Saturday, 2024-07-27, 9:34 AM
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Ron Paul On The Fiscal Cliff: "We Have Passed The Point Of No Return”

Zero Hedge | In a little under three minutes, Ron Paul explains to a somewhat nonplussed CNBC anchor just how ridiculous the charade that is occurring in D.C. actually is.

Gun sales surge in Virginia after Newtown

Washington Post | Gun sales have surged in the region and across the nation in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.

Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith | In a legal argument formally presented in federal court in the case of Hobby Lobby v. Kathleen Sebelius.

Police: Christmas Eve firefighter shooter used ‘straw purchaser’ to acquire weapons

Daily Caller | The 62-year-old convicted felon who gunned down two firefighters and wounded three first responders on Christmas Eve in Webster.

Adam Lanza’s dead body to be used to criminalize innocents who have similar gene

Ethan A. Huff | Unknown sources are funneling money into new research aimed at finding the so-called "evil” gene.

Merry Christmas and Happy Gun Control, Chicago

Karen De Coster | Chicago, one of America’s most Nazified, anti-gun cities, has just recorded its 500th homicide.

Syrian rebels ‘beheaded Christian and fed him to dogs’

Matthew Campbell | "They beheaded him, cut him into pieces and fed him to the dogs.”

Saudi Wahhabi Preacher Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women

Eretz Zen | Is this the Western-promoted "freedom and democracy” that Syrians want?

California gun sales jump; gun injuries, deaths fall

Sacramento Bee | Gun deaths and injuries have dropped sharply in California, even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen.

French court rejects 75 percent millionaires’ tax

Reuters | France’s Constitutional Council on Saturday rejected a 75 percent upper income tax rate.

«  July 2024  »

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