The aboriginal/original man of the earth; the first created by a natural birth
Are The Moors
Fashioned from the universal womb of man; both natural male and fe-male man
- the very first to the earth -
Are The Moors
Divination Souls manifestation; in creation; the seeker of light
- Moorish Woman's self-recreation; the source of all Nations; creator of life -
Are the Moors
First of All science; philosophies and kin of men
- proof Melanin, Melanin, Melanin - without; within -
Are The Moors
First nourished from Mother; first partakers of light; first builders of civilization
- first to forever end the grand fight -
Are the Moors
Mother is cosmologically represented as the crescent moon;
the Son represented as the star;
Moors will triumph from the great mistake; and vow never to fall...
~ Poem By Nura A.N.H. Bey ~
2013 copyright. All rights reserved
MOORS: proper noun: Original or earliest known; native; aboriginal people having existed from the beginning in any and all places on earth that inhabit all of the earth; the original and ancient people as evident by DNA, and innate endowment of melanin which is naturally occurring dark pigments, especially found in skin, as in Moor; dark or very swarthy; later times in history there were amalgamated or mixed Moors with lesser indications of melanin. Blackamoor was the word often used for negro. Later the word Moslem / Muslim became synonymous with Moor, as with the use of word Christian and Crusader, which are also the same. Other names for Moors are Ottomons, Turks, Almoravhides, Almohades, Saracenes, just to name a few. MOORS INHABITED EUROPE BEFORE IT BECAME EUROPE The entire earth was called Asia; as in Asiatic Black/Moabite/Moors; the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization; the first stone masons, and anywhere Moors place our feet - We are indigenous to the land, thus; where there are other men; there were Moors/Blacks prior, and Europe is no exception. Moors already inhabited and knew of the territory, and knew of the location suitable for the well-being of the grafted Albion who was taken to that location called the Caucasus Mountains for their protection from the sun which was the Continent of the ancient Moabite Queen, Europa, who permitted the Albinos to live on the land known as the. Isle of Albion or Engla-land. The Caucasus Mountain Area is depicted by the red line on the map below. THE BRITISH ISLES Leave it to Albion/European lies to indicate that the etymology of Europa is uncertain, and in their so-called ancient Greek mythology, Europa was a Phoenician princess whom Zeus abducted after assuming the form of a dazzling white bull, in which he supposedly took her to the island of Crete where she gave birth to Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon. Briton: Albion (Alouion in Ptolemy) is the oldest name of Great Britain. It is used at times to refer to England specifically. Occasionally, it refers to Scotland, or Alba in Gaelic; Albain in Irish, and Yr Alban in Welsh. Pliny the Elder in his Natural History (iv.xvi.102) applies it unequivocally to Great Britain. The origin of the name Britain may be connected with the Brythonic 'Prydyn' (Goidelic: Cruithne), a name used to describe some northern inhabitants of the island by Britons or pre-Roman Celts in the south.[See Albania] CRETE/CRETAN KEFTIU KEMET However, the Albion/European's so-called mythical Crete or Cretan is in reality, Keftiu in Kemet/Egypt Africa and the inscriptions on the Keftiu or Rekhmire temple walls are of Moors. Rekhmire was Governor of the Town (Thebes) and Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmose III and Amenhotep II of Dynasty XVIII. His tomb can be found on the south-eastern slope of the upper enclosure at Sheikh ‘Abd el-Qurna, a little below the tomb of Sennefer (TT96). WHEN MOORS RULED EUROPE BEFORE IT BECAME EUROPE (caput ethiopicum or Moor of Freising) The Moor's head is not rare in European heraldry. In the Bavarian tradition, it is known as the Caput Ethiopicum or the Moor of Freising, and it still appears today in the Coat of Arms of Sardinia and Corsica. Italian heraldry depicts the Moor wearing a white band around his head, and German heraldry illustrate the Moor wearing a crown; the word 'Moor' is derived from Latin 'Maures' meaning black, and some of the derivations are: Maurice, Morris, Morrero, Moore, Maureen, Morien, Mary, Marie are the names of ancient African people in Europe. Also; Blackwell, Blackwood, Cole, Coker, Lenoir and Brown refer to Black people. Derivatives from the same root are Maur, Maurus, Marra, Moro, Morisco, Mohr, Moritz, Moor, Moru, Maru, Morelo, Maureta, Mauretania, Morocco, Maurice, Morien, Morin, Moryan, Moreto, etc., and according to the Oxford dictionary; Moors are commonly black or very swarthy; hence the word often used for negro is Swarthy - KEIR: Gaelic name meaning "dark-skinned, swarthy. Notice the Pope of Roman with the usurped Coat of Moorish Arms displayed behind. MOORS ARE FREE WHITE PERSON STATUS The aboriginal Moorish people of Europe are the aboriginal people of the earth - namely us Moors in which the term Free White Persons Status pertains to descendants of the different countries - not skin color, and the definition of Free White People in Black's Law Dictionary 4th ed p. 792 included Europeans intermixed with Iberian (Moors inhabiting Spain and Portugal in Europe right above Morocco across the Alboran Sea). The Alboran Sea is the westernmost portion of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between Spain on the north, with Morocco and Algeria on the south. Free White Persons include mixed Latin Celtic-Iberian (Moorish Iberia); then the definition specifically indicate Moors inhabiting Spain and Portugal in Europe without the mixing, and North African inhabitants of Sicily. The definition specifically indicates that free white person status does not mean Caucasian race, Aryan race, or Indo-European race. Indo prefix is for India, etc. AMERICAN CASE IN POINT: MOORS SUNDRY ACT OF 1790 Sundry - meaning various or separate, but considered together without being separately specified or identified, i.e., all the various people, individually and collectively n pl –dries |
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE RE-CLAIM OUR NATIONALITY AND OUR INHERITED BIRTHRIGHT LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM & JUSTICE SOURCE: From State Records of North Carolina: Journals of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES,1789-1790 MICHAEL E. STEVENS, Editor, CHRISTINE M. ALLEN, Assistant Editor Published for the South Carolina Department of Archives and History by the University of South Carolina Press Columbia, SC 8557 Copyright ©1984 by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History First Edition Published in Columbia, SC by the University of South Carolina Press Manufactured in the United States of America ISBN 0-87249-944-8 20 JANUARY 1790 (page) 363 (continued from previous page) thereto, Our Committee are Mr. Hugh Rutledge, MajorPinckney & Mr. Deas. House Journal 4 January |